Vandana from

Subject knowledge is important for the competitive exams preparations or for your personal improvement; English Vocabulary Words enhances your English skills.

1. Ambulate
Meaning: (verb) walk; ramble; step; to move about from place to place.
Sentence: I will ambulate across the entire country.

2. Comport
Meaning: (verb) conform; act; conduct; behave in a certain manner- especially a good manner.
Sentence: Students who comport well will be rewarded.

3. Rectitude
Meaning: (noun) goodness; honor; decency; thinking or being morally right.
Sentence: Everyone liked him because of his rectitude and loyalty.

4. Callow
Meaning: (adj) inexperienced; naive; immature; being ignorant about the world because of youth.
Sentence: The girl was callow when she started her business, but now she learned a lot.

5. Finite
Meaning: (adj) fixed; definite; restricted; something limited in number.
Sentence: There are a finite number of answers.

6. Potentate
Meaning: (noun) despot; ruler; monarch; a person with great power and absolute authority.
Sentence: He was a potentate but he soon became kind and generous.

7. Reproof
Meaning: (noun) object; reprimand; criticize; a statement that accuses someone.
Sentence: The letter was a stern reproof of his bad deeds.

8. Sardonic
Meaning: (adj) sarcastic; mocking; scathing; being scornful in a funny but sneering way.
Sentence: He was mean and insulting while he wore a sardonic smile.

9. Risible
Meaning: (adj) something that makes you laughs.
Sentence: The boy wore a risible costume and everyone laughed.

10. Juxtapose

Meaning: (verb) to put things close together to see the differences.
Sentence: When you juxtapose the shirts I can see which is nicer.

11. Culpable

Meaning: (adj) Blameworthy
Sentence: The person who encourages another to commit a crime is as *culpable* as a person who is committing the crime.

12. Sectarian

Meaning: (adj) denoting or concerning a particular sect or sects.
Sentence: Even to this day, *sectarian* differences affect the political views deeply

13. Intrepid

Meaning: (adj) Fearless
Sentence: Escaping from the prison is an *intrepid* action.

14. Eponymous
 Meaning: (adj) named after a particular person.
Sentence: Most of the cutleries are *eponymous* of famous chefs and cooks in reality shows.

15. Subterfuge
Meaning: (noun) a tricky action or device
Sentence: She employed a very clever *subterfuge* to get the information she needed.

16. Intransigence
Meaning: (noun) Stubbornness
Sentence: The ban on porn in India was a display of *Intransigence*, according to some people.

17. Solipsistic
Meaning: (adj) Highly egocentric
Sentence: Few people view Facebook as a simply *solipsistic* forum.

18. Conflate
Meaning: (verb) confuse or combine into a whole
Sentence: We never know what caused Anushka Sharma to *conflate* one person from another in her tweets.

19. Sovereignty

Meaning: (noun) Supreme power or authority.
Sentence: Ukraine will not settle its conflicts with Russia until it regains full *sovereignty* over crimes.

20. Gentrification
Meaning: (verb) Displacement of the poor by the affluent
Sentence: Spike Lee has denounced the *gentrification* in neighborhoods such as Fort Greene.

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